Dental Crowns

Dental crowns restore the look and function of a natural tooth.

Once damaged or weakened, the adult tooth can never grow back. With crowns, it can regain its form and align with the rest of the teeth.

Crowns are hollow restorations usually made of composite and resin. Filing down the natural tooth may be necessary for the crowns to fit over them.

As a cap, a crown protects the tooth against harmful bacteria and further damage. You may need it if your tooth has been damaged, chipped, or cracked.

Crowns are low-maintenance - daily brushing and flossing keep them in good condition.

Have you been thinking of getting a crown? What can you expect from the procedure? We cover these common questions and more in this post.

What are dental crowns?

You might have heard about them from your dentist during one of your visits. A dental crown is a common method for strengthening the natural tooth. It’s often recommended as it’s effective in boosting tooth health.

It’s important to understand what goes through every stage of the dental procedure. This way, you can set realistic expectations and make informed decisions for your oral health.

Dental crowns offer several benefits, but they also come with drawbacks. They're attached to the tooth using adhesive.

Once implanted, crowns become the outer surface of the tooth. They shield it from potential damage and prevent the need for complex solutions such as root canals.

How are dental crowns made?

Crowns can be made from porcelain, metal, or both. Porcelain is often the preferred option as it’s sturdy and can be colour-matched to the natural tooth. It can withstand daily exposure to heavy chewing and biting forces.

You may need partial crowns if full dental crowns aren't necessary, but simple fillings aren't enough. Also referred to as onlays, crowns toughen the tooth, keep its form intact, and prevents decay.

Temporary crowns are installed if the area needs protection while waiting for the final crowns. They help patients chew and eat as usual, but not everyone requires them.

Temporary crowns are attached using cement which your dentist will remove once the permanent crowns are ready.

Crowns require waiting time because they’re manufactured in a lab using impressions of your teeth and jaw. The technician reviews the impressions. From there, they craft a natural-looking crown that supports your bite and jaw movement.

The technician and your dentist ensure that final restorations fit your tooth and allow it to function well.

Who needs dental crowns?

Here are reasons why dental crowns could be necessary.

  • Fix chipped or cracked tooth
  • Keep decay from progressing
  • Strengthen weak tooth
  • Support damaged or worn tooth
  • Enhance the appearance of your smile
  • Secure dental bridge
  • Address craze lines, the hairline cracks on the tooth enamel that can occur due to stress

Some dental issues can be painless, such as craze lines. This is why routine dental checkups are crucial so your dentist can look out for them and determine if immediate treatments are needed.

Delayed treatment with dental crowns can cause damage to worsen and warrant invasive procedures like a root canal. The tooth may need to be removed if the problem is beyond repair.

It’s best to get the procedure done as soon as possible to avoid complications.

What can you expect during the procedure?

Placing dental crowns often requires two dental visits - one for tooth preparation and the other for crown installation.

First visit

  • You need X-rays to determine whether a root canal is necessary.
  • Your dentist examines the condition of the tooth and any risk of infection.
  • Your dentist numbs the tooth and the treatment area for your comfort.
  • A portion of the tooth enamel is removed for the crown to fit.
  • If there's insufficient natural tooth left, the tooth will need to be enlarged to support the crown.
  • After filing the tooth, an impression is taken of the upper and/or lower teeth to ensure the crown won’t affect your bite.
  • The impressions are forwarded to the lab where the crowns are made. The process can take up to 3 weeks.
  • Your dentist could place a temporary crown to protect the site until the final crowns are ready.

Second visit

  • Your dentist removes the temporary crown.
  • They also check the permanent crown to see if it looks and feels right.
  • If everything is okay, they numb the tooth for the installation.
  • Your dentist places the final restoration.

How do I care for my dental crowns?

Permanent crowns are easy-care. Your usual oral hygiene routine can keep them in good condition.

Temporary crowns need more attention because they must be protected against potential damages. Eating hard, sticky, or crunchy food is best avoided as they could pull the crowns.

Avoiding extreme pressure or straining the area is also advised. Flossing is still essential but you need to be gentle when flossing between teeth.

Are dental crowns for me?

If you have injured, damaged, or sore teeth, schedule an evaluation with your dentist. Find out if you need dental crowns to fix the problem.

Dental crowns are effective in boosting tooth health. They keep you from needing extractions or root canals. They help restore your confident, happy smile.

Need more information about getting dental crowns? Contact us today at . We’re happy to assist you.

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Dental Crowns
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